Twitter Chatter
Whether it be a fad or not, Twitter is everywhere right now and seems to be picking up, wanted by its users or not, visibility and user numbers. People outside the usual tech savvy, easy UI circle are starting to latch on to the 'latest' communication tool. I have heard it on mentioned on several prime-time television shows, including Desperate Housewives.
Most of us can agree that the benefits and use of Twitter are many. Channel 4 has been using the micro-blogging et al. tool to receive questions while filming a live surgery, preferring it to blogging, facebook or texting because it allowed for specific, concise, no waffling on questions. By using a specific hashtag, they were able to go through them quickly, choose the best and get them answered.
Google, one of the major players in the world of web, have admitted that Twitter is making them look bad when it comes to real-time information. I don't necessarily believe this is a bad or wrong thing. If Google is more forcused on accuracy of results versus the speed in which it's pages update, then they should keep doing that. Google and twitter are not the same tool, nor should they be. Twitter is better used to spread Google's results, versus competing.
The story that Twitter has' signed a contract with production company Reveille and Brillstein for a TV show, but emphasizes that this is not an “official” Twitter show' had people in a freenzy yesterday and still today. One of the amazing attributes Twitter has given is that 'celebrities' have become more atainable, real people who converse and interact with us commoners. Now this does have several con's to it as well, especially if you're the celebrity. However, when something is bringing people together, why spoil it by pushing away the celebrities who are enjoying the service. Many of them have already stated if a reality twitter-stalking tv show goes through, they will be immediately deleting their Twitter accounts. Upon reading Twitter's response, it doesn't seem as this idea is actually being planned. However, surely now the idea has been uttered, it won't be long until someone attempts it.
My question is, what will it take to push hard core, early adopters away from tweeting on a regular basis? Too much spam, too many people not giving, just taking or a stalking of your very own?