Thirty things I'm thankful for at Thirty
As I've done my best to drag out my thirtieth birthday as long as possible, in the Christmas spirit, I'm posting my "Thirty things I'm thankful for at Thirty". In randomish order.
Thirty things I'm thankful for at thirty:
My supportive family. They've put up with me for years, let me be an individual, try new things, experience the world, provided me with a great education & allowed me to follow my dreams.
My friends. Both near & far, those I've had for 27 years & those I've had for two. We've been through a lot together & there is a lot I wouldn't have survived without them.
Boys; specifically the ones who have touched my life. I've lived, loved & learned. Had my eyes opened, my heart-broken & dished out my fair share. However without all this, I wouldn't be who I am today.
My current squeeze of course. May we continue to share links & tech chat for years to come.
Friends I don't know well, but who never cease to amaze me.
Survived a lot of emotional & personal stuff & glad I came out the other side.
My education. This is not to be taken lightly. With only 30% of Americans that go to university graduating, I'm going to give myself a pat on the back for this one & for an experience, both high school & uni, that I loved & will never forget.
My pets. I strongly feel that being a pet owner opens up a secret part of your heart. My pets have been my best friends far the past 30 years. The love you unconditionally and don't judge - although I'm pretty sure Chase does actually...
My career. What can I say besides that I get paid to do what I love. It's been a roller coaster & full of exciting people and new opportunities. Shall it continue.
The sun
The snow
Water - pools, lakes, oceans & drinking water.
Photographs - have always been in love with a printed picture (D Fact: My degree was in photography and I need to get myself back into a dark room).
Courage to make hard decisions. This is not to be taken lightly and I am proud of myself; which I need to remember more often.
I'm here & mobile. I had a bad accident, I survived & I can walk. Enough said.
Living abroad. A great opportunity and experience. Opens your mind to how different places are, even if they speak a version of the same language.
Travelling the world. 20+ states in America, Mexico, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, England, France, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Monaco, Holland & Greece. Hopefully the Asia-Pacific one day soon!
Animal & human rights charities
That I'm a daddy's girl
Nieces & nephews - The best pieces of my family
iPhones - sadly, an extra limb
Cheese - CHEESE!
Music - Life is what happens while your listening to music; It's the soundtrack to my life; One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Soft socks
Sweatshirt blankets
Roaring fires
Cars - buying them, driving them, fixing them, watching them. The new car smell and the pride behind a beautiful rebuild.
Goodtimes. Obvious and possibly covered in some of the above, however I should note that I have had many amazing times in my life, from trips around the world to conversation with a few friends over a bottle of wine. For each one of these I am thankful and I look forward to many more.
Happy holidays everyone & a happy, safe & healthy 2011 to you all.