The Whole is Made from the Sum of It's Parts
Don Stewart does composite drawings of everything under the sun, without using anything that is actually part of, what one would normally see in the object.
I quote from his website: Composite drawings? Oh, yes. Composite refers to Don's disturbing habit of rendering a variety of highly detailed ballpoint images in order to create a larger subject. What's more, the objects he uses to build each picture are all related in some way to the overall theme of the drawing, usually with humorous intent, and often with a healthy dose of punnish-ment.
Since I am a huge fan of VWs and my first care was a 1978 VW soft top SuperBeetle. I went with this choice of image. He went with bugs for the bug. Classic.
Definitely worth going and having a gander at his work. One day when I have money and a real job, I will definitely be in the market for the coffee table book.
Thanks to quipsologies and Don Stewart