Review: Healthspan's Energex Plus
Recently I wrote about how sometimes work and life can get the best of you and some of the ways I try to get through those times, although some may have been a bit controversial, there are different routes for different people (based of genetics, attitude, body chemistry etc). So not long after I was given the opportunity to review Healthspan's Energex Plus.
When I first received the tablets I thought, okay, just another Ginseng tablet, it will be something I can easily take daily and probably won't have a noticeable impact on my day. It's rare for me to admit it, but I was wrong and I've been pleasantly surprised by the effect that Energex Plus has had on me. While my life is calming down and I'm getting more sleep, I'm just generally a lethargic and tired person - this has a lot to do with a having incredibly low blood pressure, and sometimes the need for painkillers for my back - so sometimes I do just need a pick me up.
Two weeks in and I must say, I would definitely purchase these over the brands and types I've been taking previously. They are stronger, so if you have a low tolerance for supplements, don't take more than one. I take one in the morning with my Flax Seed pill and occasionally a glass of Barley Wheat water. This is followed by one or two instant coffees and that is me not only set for the day, but I actually have energy when I get home from work. I have not felt like this in about two years.
It's hard to quantify, but I have even noticed a change in my thinking throughout day at the office, which is something I was really craving in a supplement - to lift the cotton wool from my brain.
Now for the official stuff:
What's in it? Advanced Guarana, Panax Ginseng, Amino Acid, and B Vitamin Complex
Any side effects? I've not experienced any super negative side effects. It has caused my stomach to work better, but with my stomach problems, that's a good thing! Today I was slightly jittery, shaking my leg at my desk, but again, I do have two coffee's a day as well. I have been more hungry, but I think it's just a case of it speeding up my metabolism, which is a welcomed effect.
Long term? I'm not sure - I don't think I will take it daily, but I will probably continue to take it a few times a week. Grab me in a couple of months and I'll let you know if I had to double dose.
Recommended? Yes, from my experience thus far, I would definitely recommend this product. If it keeps having the same effect on me, I'll be working out again soon (or at least at the level I should be!).
Side note - and not a healthy one, but it's a great addition to your hangover cure regimen too!