Online connections - How many sites are you linked to?
The topic comes up regularly in our household: how are we connected? What are we syncing to? Could we eliminate any of the extra steps? What - this isn't typical conversation in your house? So we decided to make lists. Every place online we store data. @Johnstok sent me his list and I looked at it and thought - oh wow, okay, surely mines less than that... Nope. Not only did I have some to add, I uncovered more for him! So here is my list of sites and apps that I push my data through or sync to almost daily (and sorry sites, but I can't link to each of you - maybe if there weren't so many!) [blogs] [blogs] Blogger [blogs] LiveJournal - yes, still! Don't really use but haven't deleted Tumblr [random - coffee pics] Google Reader [favourites, blog list, unread posts] Delicious [bookmarks for research] Twitter [favourites, tweets, contacts, DMs, lists] Facebook [messages, photos, contacts, posts] LinkedIn [contacts, messages] Google Mail [contacts, mail, notes] Google Calendar [events] IFTTT [tasks] Vimeo [favourites, videos] YouTube [Favourites, videos, shares] [scrobbles, favs] Flickr [pictures, contacts, favs] Skype [contacts, messages] Meebo [contacts, messages] Google Plus [posts, circles, images] Amazon [purchases] Ebay [purchases, buy & sell] Dropbox [files] ReadItLater [read items, unread items] LoveFilm [movies to watch, movies watched] Netflix [movies & TV watched] Peer Index [linked] TwitPic [photos] Gravatar [Avatar] Disqus [comments] Wunderlist [tasks] iCloud [reminders, bookmarks, music library] Google Chat [chat transcripts] Google Docs [documents] Google Search [web history] Google Latitude [check-ins] Google Bookmarks [bookmarks] Instagram [photos] Get Glue [tv, film watched; books read; activities] Spotify [Music, playlists, favourites, shared] Path [pictures, contacts, check-ins, linked to other accounts] Yelp [Reviews, pictures, check-ins] Urbanspoon [Reviews] Foursquare [check-ins, tips, favourites] [Bio, links out, connections] Empire Avenue [linked - not sure really!] Pinterest [stuff I want, love, need, saved] Meebo [chat, connections] StumbleUpon [favourites, interesting content] Digg [favourites, interesting content] Blip Photo [photos] Yammer x 2 [links, work sharing] Banks x 4 [bank & CC accts] Apple Store/apps etc [apps, music, tv, movies] Friendfeed [links, feeds, aggregation] Posterous [blog] Klout [linked]
I found/realised more. Oh jeez.
63 68. Count them. There could possibly be some missing still - kinda scary! When do you reduce, when do you consolidate? It's surprising how they add up. How many do you have? is there a chunk of them you could ditch?