Mental Detox Rewind
Put it All Away! I didn't blog, per say, but I wrote during my train commutes in my moleskin, with the intentions of blogging it more often than just now, but better late than never I suppose.Day 1, 21/04/08 My bit will include cutting down on texting, FB, tv - especially adding any new ones to my already watch list, blogging, flickr and will leave my computer alone at night.
I am still going to buy a Wii fit on Friday, but it can wait a few days maybe, or maybe not.
Won't constantly use ipod, but now that I am commuting, will probably use it more than I do already, seeing as I don't really use it THAT much. Will definitely be reading more and the music will distract from that, but sometimes it helps block out background noise or for calming my nerves on the first day (today!).
Day 2, 22/04/08 Definitely less FB, no texts, only 2 tv shows - which for me is almost unheard of! Computer at home for an hour, but was just an extension of work - yeah take home work already.
I didn't use twitter at all, however am still thinking in twitter & fb status mind st at tehse points.
Trying not to use iPod on train. It's a 1st Gen, 30gb, so the battery is shit. It dies rather quickly and the music is better when I need to focus at work..
Day 3, 23/04/08 Tuesday I watched NO TV at all! Insane. Listened to my ipod for a wee bit, mainly meditation music on the way home from work as I had a killer headache and it kinda knocked me out.
***I have realised that headphones are good even if they aren't on, to drown out noise and annoying people on the train, perhaps the ones who blare their hard core death metal at 7a.m. I have actually started asking them to turn their music down - before this week even - not to be rude, very politely. Just because if it was my headphones and I didn't realise it, well, I'd want to know that I was annoying everyone.***
Summary: As predicted, everything was cut down, drastically, due mainly to my new job - as can be seen by my distinct lack of blogging. Between work and techless (read:painful) commuting -3G iPhone out soon!-, the semblance of a social life, marriage of one family member and death of another, I still haven't been offered those extra hours in my day. Bugger.
I thought it would be the end on Friday with the Wii Fit, but I had a magazine launch to attend and didn't deem it appropriate to carry a Wii Fit along to a cocktail event, then lug it home on the train from Glasgow. Now they're all sold out and I'll be fit-less and and more mentally detoxed for a bit :o/
I haven't been home to play with it anyways.
I would have to say that I don't really think I got much of a mental detox this week as just no time to do anything anyhow. My new job made sure to make up for anything that I might have been lacking. Although I did forget my phone at home one day and could have cared less. Felt a bit more free.
Social media: FB chat came out. I can attempt it in the background, but since what I am doing now is mainly writing and more than one thing at a time, it involves way too much concentration, but I do think it's neat. Once I get my iphone, I hope to get to blogging regularly again during my commutes - and maybe catch up with the blogs I read as well!
if you got here, I'm impressed. Does anybody read blogs with this much text?!
Best, D