It's My Birthday
Originally uploaded by Darcie.
11/12/80 & 11/12/07 - 27 Years in the making. Not old, just older. The older I get, the stranger each birthday feels. Should I have accomplished more by this point in my life? Should I start acting more my age? Do I get my free copy of "What It's Really All About" in the post yet?
Then I am told by others, reminded really and think of some myself that I have accomplished quite a bit, and whilst I'm busy trying to accomplish my one big monster goal, I've managed to do a bunch of other amazing things in the past 27 years, as, well, second nature really.
On that note, Happy Birthday to everyone in the world of every age, learn to focus on what you've accomplished, not what you haven't, and I'm proud to be me, for the first time, in a long time.