Calling all bloggers!
One of the perks of my job working with corporations and brands working in social media is the opportunity to work with bloggers all over the world! I'm very lucky in the aspect that the majority of my friends are some of these bloggers and through regular meet ups such as #edcm (edcm FB here & Twitter list here). I am constantly meeting new and interesting bloggers.
I was working on a piece of blogger outreach the other day and a blogger came back to me saying "Hi Darcie! It's Fraser from #edcm! Small world!" As I had found Frasers blog through research and contacted him through the contact form, I hadn't realised that he was one of the admins of the blog. This got me thinking - how many of you are running blogs that I don't know about?! I would love to be able to approach those I already have an established relationship with when an opportunity arises, as well as continuously growing my database of new blogs (not just for outreach opportunities, but for personal interest as well!).
So here's what I've done/am doing: I've developed my first Google Docs form - which was super easy & quite exciting - and now I am asking anyone who is interested in being contacted for possible blogger outreach opportunities by myself or members of my team at bigmouthmedia & LBi, to please click on the form and fill in your details. Just to make sure there is no confusion: By submitting your details you are saying that you are happy to be added to an internal database and to be contacted by myself or my colleagues at bigmouthmedia & LBi.
I will leave this form live for new additions and am happy for the url to be passed on.
Thanks for your participation and look forward to seeing what you've got!