Brisbane Graduates Sell Themselves
Creatively of course.
Seeing as how my husband seems hell bent on moving to Australia one day, I do follow the Ad world over there a bit. A bit behind, but I still try and follow. Today, while traipsing through my archives of unread blogs, I spotted this, and it made me want to go back to school or even just be leaving, but as one of these students.
News Limited AWARD School Queensland celebrated their Graduation last Friday night on the Rooftop Terrace of Cutting Edge (AWARD Silver Partners). The theme ‘fight night’ was continued after AWARD and BAd members received an online game where two creative directors fight it out.
Hosted by AWARD General Manager, Lucy McKee, and AWARD Committee member Natalie Ambrosini, a fantastic turnout of industry creatives, students, and News Limited reps Paul Eteen-Bliss and Joanne Gierke gathered to view the best selection of student work.
The highlight of the evening was an ambient stunt created by the students to support Mission Australia. Pillows and sleeping bags littered the entrance to the event, with posters depicting a down and out student in need of work.
Students have also put themselves on EBay so creative directors can bid for their services for a day - with all proceeds to go to Mission Australia. You can bid by searching brisbaneaward07 on

Click to enlarge images (worth it)
Thanks to Campaign Brief Blog AU for this